What supplements should you take?

With so many supplements on the market, it can be difficult to know which ones can genuinely benefit you and which are just a waste of money. Of course, everybody is different and the supplements that you take should be based on your own unique needs. However, there are certain supplements that I recommend to clients time and again.


Here are five of the most common supplements I recommend and why:



It’s important to consume Omega 3 and Omega 6 in balanced ratios but unfortunately, many of us consume too much Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3 – this can lead to increased inflammation. Omega 3 essential fats are required for countless functions across the body including heart and brain health.


Deficiency is a common cause of dry skin. There are few good sources of Omega 3 essential fats in the diet and a good quality, high strength Omega 3 supplement is something I recommend to most of my clients.


If you’re in good health, take a maintenance dose of 2.5g per day and ensure your fish oil supplement is IFOS certified to ensure purity and freshness. I recommend Enerzona’s Omega 3 RX. Not that you should not take omega 3 if you are also taking blood thinning medications such as Warfarin.



Many of us are deficient in vitamin D due to lack of exposure to sunlight. Deficiency can be assessed using a simple blood test – if you suspect you may be deficient ask your GP to test you or get tested privately. Alternatively, you can purchase a simple and affordable at home test kit. Common symptoms of deficiency include lower back pain, muscle weakness, muscle aches, fatigue but you can be deficient and experience no symptoms at all.


If your doctor or nutritionist discovers a deficiency they may prescribe a very high dose (20,000iu / 50,000iu) Vitamin D3 supplement to take once or twice per week. Once your Vitamin D levels have been optimised they can be maintained by a daily dose of 1,000iu. I recommend BetterYou’s DLux 1000iu.


Anaemia is common amongst women of reproductive age. Pregnancy is another common cause of iron deficiency. Coupled with the fact that many of us don’t regularly consume red meat – a key source of iron – deficiency is fairly common. The most common, noticable symptoms of anaemia are tiredness and lethargy which can occur alongside a pale complexion.


GP’s regularly screen patient’s iron levels and will recommend a prescription iron to help restore healthy levels. However, the particular supplement available on the NHS can cause constipation. I recommend Iron Bisglycinate (such as Solgar’s Gentle Iron) which doesn’t cause such side effects.


Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron so supplement 1,000mg daily of Vitamin C.



Magnesium is required by every organ in the body. It is involved in over 600 enzymatic reactions including energy metabolism and protein synthesis. Our intake of magnesium has been compromised over the years due to the refining process – foods such as grains and rice lose significant levels of their magnesium when refined from brown to white.


Magnesium acts as a smooth muscle relaxant so can be useful for ensuring regular bowel movements. Suboptimal levels can contribute to anxiety and supplementing magnesium has been shown to help ease anxiety and promote good sleep.


BetterYou offer a fantastic range of magnesium products.



Digestive symptoms are amongst the most common issues I see in clinic. Bloating, reactions to certain foods and IBS symptoms are a problem for many individuals. Alcohol, stress, and a less than optimal diet can all have a negative impact on our digestive health. Probiotics can help restore levels of beneficial gut bacteria – essential for healthy digestion. They should always be taken following antibiotic use.


I recommend Renew Life’s Ultimate Flora Critical Care.