Vitamin D Supplements Could Prevent Millions of Colds

Vitamin D has been in the press yet again this week with headlines claiming that a daily supplement would prevent millions of us from suffering with colds.
It was the result of an analysis by the British Medical Journal which found that supplementing vitamin D helped protect against respiratory tract infections (infections affecting the sinuses, throat and / or lungs).
We know that vitamin D is vital for a healthy immune system. We also know that a surprising number of us are deficient or have suboptimal levels. Statistics, research and public health recommendations aside, I see this day in, day out in my clinic. Whenever I send a client for blood tests, I include vitamin D. Rarely do I see clients who have optimal levels and if they do, they’re normally supplementing.
I have written about the importance of vitamin D a number of times and I really can’t overemphasise the importance of having optimal levels.
I would strongly advise you to get your vitamin D levels tested if you don’t already know them; there are a number of ways you can do this:




We can organise a vitamin D test for you through our clinic team. We work closely with The Doctor’s Laboratory (TDL) which is based a short walk from our Harley Street clinic. TDL offer an efficient, walk in service where they take your blood then and there and send the results to us, usually within a day.


If you’re due to have a blood test with your NHS GP then you can ask him or her to include vitamin D as part of this. In my experience, it can be pot luck as to whether you’ll manage to get it tested or not. If you have a private GP then they should be happy to organise this for you.


Another option is to use an at home test kit. I did this myself last year and can speak from experience when I say it really is so straightforward. BetterYou partner up with an NHS testing lab to ensure accurate results at competitive prices.
If you do get tested and would like our feedback on your results then please feel free to get in touch.