Proteifine Diet Vegetable Recipes

At our clinic, we advise all of our clients following the Proteifine Diet to consume plenty of vegetables. Packed with a wide range of beneficial nutrients and fibre, vegetables are an important part of your diet while you’re following a Proteifine protocol, as well as long term, to help you maintain your happy weight and optimal health.
It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and end up eating the same steamed greens night after night. However, with a little inspiration it’s easy to jazz up vegetable dishes and turn them something to really enjoy.
Aim for a minimum of three different types of vegetables and / or salad with lunch and three with dinner.


Phases One, Two and Three are ketogenic phases, so it’s important to stick to the lists of allowed vegetables to ensure your carbohydrate intake is kept to a minimum. There are two lists, one containing vegetables with a very low carbohydrate content – these can be consumed in unlimited amounts. The second list of vegetables has a slightly higher (although still low) carbohydrate content and therefore are limited to a maximum of 200g total per day. Here are the two lists…


Alfafa sprouts, Broccoli (including tenderstem and purple sprouting), Cauliflower, Celery, Chard, Courgette, Cucumber, Fennel, Gherkins (pickled without sugar), Lettuce (all kinds), Marrow, Mushrooms, Green peppers, Radish, Spinach, Watercress


(Total 200g per day)
Artichoke, Asparagus, Aubergine, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage (all kinds), Kale, Kohl rabi, Leeks, Pumpkin, Red and yellow peppers, Shallots, Swede, Tomatoes, Turnip
And here are just a few ways to enjoy them…


Take a Gem lettuce, halve it and then halve again so you have four quarters. Place the lettuce on a baking tray, drizzle with olive and season with salt and black pepper. Place under the grill at a medium temperature and grill until the leaves start to brown.


These make a great appetiser if everyone else around you is snacking on crisps, or other savoury snacks, before dinner. Kale crisps are incredibly simple to make and are guaranteed to become a firm favourite. Try our simple kale crisp recipe (so simply you can hardly call it a recipe.)


One of my go-to veg options, you can play around with different flavour combinations using herbs and spices. This simple guide on Carb Manager explains how to make cauliflower steaks.


A marinara sauce is one of the most versatile freezer staples. You can batch cook this recipe and freeze it in portions. It can be mixed into roasted / grilled Mediterranean vegetables to make a ratatouille. On Phases Two, Three and beyond you can poach fish or eggs in the thickened sauce to make shakshuka. Here’s a low carb marinara recipe on Simple Vegan.


Speaking of ratatoullie, here’s a great recipe from Delish. Just skip the white wine and don’t be tempted by their baguette serving suggestion!


In a NutriBullet or similar, blend together tinned artichoke hearts in water (drained), olive oil, lemon juice and a garlic clove. Serve with Proteifine breadsticks, crackers or finissimas toasts.


Step aside steamed spears, roasting is the new, tasty way to cook broccoli. Try this super simple roasted broccoli recipe on All Recipes.


Try this flavoursome Prawn Saag recipe from Thrifty Foods.
– Swap the vegetable oil for olive oil
– Use Kallo stock cubes
– If you’re on Phase One, simply make without the prawns


Soups are a fantastic way of using up leftover vegetables as well as boosting your intake. Mushroom and cauliflower are popular choices. Gazpacho is one of my favourites for summer – try this zesty gazpacho recipe.