ProLon Reviews

Are you thinking about undertaking a fast mimicking diet and keen to see some ProLon reviews before you start? You’ve come to the right place.
Our clinic have worked with ProLon since it was first introduced to the UK.  We are happy to share feedback from some of our clients who have tried it and loved it.


“I just wanted to say what a success ProLon has been for us both. I am feeling much better, less candida symptoms, whilst Richard has lost 7lbs and inches. However, the real plus is that it has changed our mindsets as regards food. Actually we are quite looking forward to our next cycle! So a big thank you from us both.”
– Richard and Anne
“I thought I would give you some feed back from my fast – I was a little worried initially however as the journalist said hey it’s only 5 days. Well I’m on day 5 and feel amazing! I’ve lost the boated feeling and effect around my waist. I am lighter in fit, skin and eyes glowing. I was hungry however it really highlighted where I was going wrong and actually how much I was eating. A big fat (skinny) yes from me. Here’s to the next 3 weeks being more mindful of my eating and onto the next fast. I can definitely see me doing this 3 times a year and keeping my weight at bay.”
– Nicole
“When I got on the scales at the end of it and had lost 7lbs/ 3.2kgs as well as my visceral fat dropping from 121.8cm2 to 107.1cm2, it was all worth it. I felt energised on the last day and my stomach felt flatter and less bloated. My bloods also showed that every single marker had improved. Would I do it again? Yes. If you’d asked me on day three, I would have said ‘never again’ , however, I would more than happily do this once every three months to get the weight loss and health benefits.”

– Vicky Eldridge, Editor of Aesthetic Medicine Magazine



Journalist Victoria Lambert wrote a review of ProLon for The Telegraph here: The Mimicking Diet That Really Does Work
Telegraph’s Head of Fashion Lisa Armstrong documented her experience here: The 800-calorie fast that promises to shift the pounds in 5 days


If you’ve read these reviews and are motivated to try ProLon for yourself, there are two ways to do the FMD.


    1. If you would like to do the fast by yourself and feel that you don’t need additional advice or support, you can purchase ProLon directly from the company website. You can enter our discount code: KP10 to get 10% off your order.
    2. You can book in for a consultation with one of our nutritionists. During your consultation we will discuss your current state of health, diet and lifestyle as well as what you are looking to achieve. We will offer you the option of doing blood tests before and after ProLon in order to assess your results. We will also provide you with a plan for how to tailor off the fast and the best diet for you to follow between cycles.

If you would like to find out whether ProLon could help you achieve your health and weight loss goals, please do get in touch.