How To Make The Perfect Smoothie

Smoothies make a perfect breakfast and when structured in the right way, should keep you satisfied until lunchtime. If you’re in a hurry or are after a lighter meal, smoothies are an ideal solution. They also work well as a post-workout re-fuel. So do you know how to make a smoothie?
One common mistake to avoid is filling your smoothie with high sugar fruits and adding in fruit juice for blending. This will result in a high sugar smoothie which we don’t recommend. Those sugars might be natural, but once digested your body can’t tell the difference.
There are the six essential elements required for the perfect smoothie.




Start by pouring around 200ml of liquid into your blender. Avoid fruit juices that are high in sugar and choose an unsweetened nut milk. Plenish is a good quality, widely available brand to look out for. Or simply use water.


Vegetables are often forgotten about when it comes to smoothies, but including them is a great way to contribute towards your (minimum) five a day. As well as adding fibre and keeping you fuller longer, adding a handful of greens will provide a variety of beneficial vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Courgette and spinach are mild in flavour, so you won’t even know they’re there when you combine them with other flavourful ingredients.


As a general rule, we advise sticking to one or two small portions of fruit to moderate the amount of sugar in your smoothie. Berries are nutritious, relatively low in sugar and they taste delicious. Frozen berries work particularly well as they retain their flavour and are a practical option that won’t go off nearly as fast as fresh. Higher sugar fruits like banana are better for post exercise recovery, or simply use half at a time instead of a whole one.


Protein powder will turn your smoothie into a complete meal and is the key element that will ensure you’re left feeling satisfied. Choose a high quality, dairy free protein powder and read the ingredients list to ensure it’s not filled with unnecessary additives. FreeSoul vegan protein shakes are a fantastic brand. Here are some other protein powder brands you can try.


Healthy fats are a vital part of our diet. We advise most of our clients to include a source of healthy fat at every meal, so if your smoothie is one of your main meals, don’t leave it out. Good options include: half an avocado, a palmful of seeds (eg. flax, pumpkin or sunflower) or a tablespoon of unsweetened nut butter or MCT oil.


These are an optional additions, but a great way to boost the health benefits of your smoothie. From skin health to energy levels, here are four boosters that will supercharge your smoothie:
Berries: This berry blend will boost both the flavour and nutrient levels of berry smoothies.
Try: BioGlan Superberries
Matcha: A powerful antioxidant and energiser, matcha will give a vibrant colour boost to your green smoothie too.
Try: Teapigs Matcha
Cacao: For a chocolatey smoothie, add a spoonful of organic cacao powder. Cacao which is a good source of beneficial plant compounds known as polyphenols. It works particularly well combined with a scoop of chocolate protein powder, half a courgette and avocado for creaminess.
Try: Naturya Organic Cacao Powder
Pick your booster, blend together with the rest of your ingredients and enjoy. And that is how to make a smoothie!
Try our Perfect Berry Smoothie Recipe