5 Healthy Christmas Foods to Enjoy This Season

Christmas can often lead to over indulgence of less than healthy foods. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some delicious healthy Christmas foods to enjoy this festive season.



Smoked salmon pairs perfectly with scrambled eggs for a delicious Christmas morning breakfast. Salmon is a rich source of heart healthy omega 3 and is also packed with protein which will help keep you fuller for longer. Eating protein rich foods for breakfast also helps to prevent snacking later in the day.



Swap your usual chocolatey indulgences to dark chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa content). Not only does dark chocolate tend to contain less sugar than other varieties, it also contains beneficial minerals including iron, magnesium and manganese. Studies have found that dark chocolate may improve blood flow and help to slightly lower the blood pressure. Use dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate in your own healthy and festive treats.



Cranberries are rich in health promoting phytochemicals, vitamin c and fibre help your support healthy digestive function. Try making cranberry sauce with fresh cranberries, orange zest, ground clove, water and xylitol – a natural sugar free sweetener.



Unroasted, unsalted nuts are renowned for their health benefits. What’s more festive than cracking open nuts from their shell in front of the fire? Walnuts are a vegan source of Omega 3 and almonds have been found to have cholesterol-lowering properties. Brazil nuts are a source of selenium – an essential nutrient needed for the healthy functioning of the immune system.



Research has shown that, when consumed in moderation, alcohol can be beneficial for health. Red wine is a good choice as it’s usually low in sugar and contains properties that promote heart health. Opt for a good quality wine and remember that moderation is key!

