5 Health Benefits of Green Tea

Swapping your daily cuppa for green tea is an easy, enjoyable way to support your health. Polyphenols are the compounds in green tea understood to be responsible for it’s health promoting effects. Drinking matcha tea results in a much higher intake of these beneficial phytochemicals compared to regular green tea, so while all green tea has benefits, matcha is a particularly good option. Here are five health benefits of green tea.


Green tea is a well known source of powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants combat free radical damage and protect us against premature ageing and certain diseases. Regularly consuming these beneficial compounds in vegetables, fruits and green tea is an effective way to support your health, so drink up.


Research shows that green tea can help protect the skin against sun damage. Sun damage causes skin sagging, wrinkling and premature ageing so sip your green tea and keep applying that sun screen.


An amino acid found in green tea known as theanine has been shown to play a role in reducing stress. It acts to suppress glucocorticoids (hormones activated in stress and depression) which affect mood and memory. Next time you’re feeling stressed, instead of reaching for sugary comfort food, try a mug of green tea instead.


Green tea has been shown to increase fat burning and boost the metabolic rate. Whilst the amount of the fat-burning compounds in your average mug probably won’t contribute to a significant reduction in the size of your waistline, supplementation could potentially help. Alongside a healthy diet, of course. Read my guide to supplements here.


Several studies have highlighted the protective effects that green tea can have against certain cancers. While the various mechanisms are still being explored, one polyphenol in particular known as catechin epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) may interfere with processes involved in cell replication. Research has been carried out looking into the impacts of green tea on prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and more.
Amongst it’s many benefits, green tea acts to protect us against free radical damage and may help to prevent certain diseases. Matcha tea is understood to contain the highest concentration of these beneficial compounds so aim to include a mug or two in your daily routine. Try Clearspring Organic Matcha Powder.
