Restaurants are finally going to start opening their doors after months of Covid-19 closures this Saturday 4 July.  Dining out gives us less control over what we're eating, but it's possible to enjoy restaurant meals healthily. As we start making...

25th - 31st May is National BBQ Week and we certainly have the weather for it this year. Barbecues don't have to be a nutritional disaster. Say goodbye to charred meat and white baps, here's how to have a healthier BBQ.   SERVE...

In 2017, government testing found pesticide residues in 47% of British food, with many of these containing more than one pesticide. Non-organic food production routinely uses pesticides which can pollute the environment and make their way into our food chain.   Every...

Getting together for an alfresco meal with your friends and family is one of the best things to do in the summer, but BBQs can spell trouble when it comes to sticking to a healthy diet. Here, I've put together...

For many of us, Easter has essentially become a chocolate-filled, very long weekend. The good news is, there are health benefits of chocolate, as long as you opt for a quality chocolate with a high cocoa content.   HEALTH BENEFITS OF CHOCOLATE We...

Whether or not we should consume dairy products is a hotly debated topic. On one side of the argument you have the dairy industry who would have you believe that if you didn't consume your daily dose of milk, your...

Increasing numbers of people are turning away from meat and embracing a more plant-based diet, meaning that soy foods are more popular than ever. But just how healthy is this plant protein? Here, I run you through the facts.   Soy foods...

It's been several years since coconut oil was labelled as a superfood and became the oil of choice for everything from cooking to beauty treatments. But the bubble has burst since a recent talk from Harvard professor Karin Michels, in...

Eggs are incredibly nutritious. They're tasty, versatile and even the best organic, free-range eggs are relatively inexpensive. Scrambled eggs are often my go-to for a quick breakfast and I usually have a few boiled eggs in the fridge, ready to...