On Friday I gave two talks at the UK's leading anti-ageing conference, FACE. This year marks eight years since I was first introduced to the medical aesthetics world. Back then, FACE was held at the Royal College of Physicians and...

It feels somewhat ironic that this year's Stress Awareness Week coincides with the start of Lockdown 2.0. Last lockdown 47% of us gained weight, according to some surveys, with stress being cited as a primary reason. So why does feeling stressed...

It's September which means that summer holidays are over, children are going back to school and there's a sense of getting back to normality and daily life.   Over the summer it's easy to let our usual nutrition habits and fitness routines...

Summer holidays are a wonderful time to take a break, spend time with loved ones and enjoy the sun. We want to help you strike a balance between enjoying your summer holiday without throwing all of your healthy habits out...

It was lovely to hear your feedback after my detox post last week. From your responses I know I'm not the only one who is seriously averse to the New Year, New You narrative at this time of year. Today,...

I've just finished reading The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. It's a wonderful, thought proving book filled with a number of step-by-step approaches to living with greater balance, abundance and joy - one of which is the 5 Step Method for Achieving...

It's more expensive and it often looks just the same as conventional produce, so why should you invest in organic food?   There are many reasons why choosing organic is a good decision for your health, for animals and for the environment...

Whether you're aiming to lose weight or simply adopt a healthier diet, there is one very simple, yet very effective way to help you stay on track.   I write this post as I have just eaten two generously sized pieces of...

  Hypoxi is essentially a simple, cycling based exercised supercharged by the power of vacuum. Effort level? Minimal. Results? Amazing.   SO WHAT IS HYPOXI? Hypoxi is a form of exercise carried out in a sophisticated vacuum chamber. The vacuum works to promote healthy...