Breakfast can be a tricky meal to get right. Ideally it should be tasty, healthy and filling enough to take you through to lunch, but also speedy and practical to fit into a busy morning. A well structured berry smoothie...

ProLon is the world's first fast mimicking diet (FMD). It's the result of decades of research and is a dietary approach we frequently recommend to our clients. Here we've put together a few frequently asked questions to explain more about...

We are bombarded with advice on ways to improve our health. Often it can feel overwhelming and so as a result, we do nothing.   However, small improvements to how we live day to day can have a significant impact on both...

Add an abundance of chocolate to lockdown and sticking to a healthy routine may well be more challenging than usual. Here's how to enjoy it in a healthy, balanced way.   CHOOSE YOUR EGG WISELY If family and friends want to buy chocolate for...

It might sound odd for a nutritionist to give you tips on how to cheat on your diet, but when it's done in the right way, strategic treats can lead to a much happier relationship with food and even better...

Mindful eating: what is it and how can it help you develop a healthier relationship with food?   Far from being a passing fad, mindfulness is a powerful practice with many potential health and wellbeing benefits. It is recommended by the NHS...