Kim Pearson qualified as a nutritionist at London’s Institute for Optimum Nutrition in 2008 and has worked in the field of nutrition and health for over 15 years.

Frequently featuring in the media, Kim writes articles and provides professional comment for a wide range of magazines, newspapers and medical journals and has appeared on national television and radio.

Kim speaks at conferences and trains healthcare professionals in nutrition and diet. She has worked with businesses to develop corporate nutrition policies, has created dietary guidelines for medical research trials and is ambassador for leading nutrition brands.

Kim is a full member of CNHC (Complimentary and Natural Healthcare Council) BANT (British Association of Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy) and the Guild of Health Writers.

HELLO, I’M KIM – a qualified nutritionist and weight loss specialist. Since graduating in 2008 I’ve worked with over 500 clients to help them lose weight (from a few pounds to over eight stone), fit into the clothes they love and feel comfortable with their body. I know what it feels like to have tried different diets and different types of exercise, never really sure whether they would work or if it was possible to achieve a body I was happy in. I know what it’s like to have friends who are naturally slim – despite having terrible diets! And I know the frustration of eating foods you believe to be healthy, yet despair as you watch that number on the scale gradually creep up. I know this because I have been there myself. Contrary to popular belief, not all nutritionists are effortlessly slim, nor do they have an automatic dislike for ‘unhealthy’ food! I love my food and it took me a long time to find my own healthy balance between maintaining a weight I’m happy at, enjoying my food and feeling in control of my eating habits.


MY STORY – I developed an interest in nutrition in my late teens, noticing that my weight had gradually started to increase. As a vegetarian I thought I was healthy, but in reality, my diet of grains, grains and more grains was not only making me gradually gain weight, it also left me low in energy and constantly craving sweet foods. The more magazine articles and books I read, the more I became confused about what a healthy diet actually was. I had already learnt a lot but there were big pieces of the puzzle missing. When I was 20 I moved to London and I was fortunate to get a job managing a small weight loss clinic. I loved working with the clients, supporting them on their weight loss programmes and seeing their health and happiness improve. Unfortunately, after just three months, the owner of the clinic decided to close the business. I was sad to lose my job but it made me realise that this was exactly what I wanted to do for my career…

MY STUDIES & EXPERIENCE – After doing work experience with an NHS dietician and meeting with an independent nutritionist to work out the difference between the two, I decided I preferred the flexibility of being an independent nutritionist. In 2005 I enrolled onto a three years degree course at London’s renowned Institute for Optimum Nutrition and immersed myself in studying all aspects of human health and disease in relation to food and nutrition. I graduated in 2008. Well over a decade later, I’m still grateful for the opportunity I had to work at the weight loss clinic. It’s led to a career I love and I’m so passionate about the work I do. There is nothing more fulfilling for me than helping our clients lose weight and seeing the incredibly positive impacts it has on their lives. From gaining confidence and making peace with their bodies, to seeing considerable improvements in health conditions and energy levels. The power of good nutrition, when tailored to individual needs, never ceases to amaze me.

Kim with a client
Kim with a client

MY STUDIES & EXPERIENCE – After doing work experience with an NHS dietician and meeting with an independent nutritionist to work out the difference between the two, I decided I preferred the flexibility of being an independent nutritionist. In 2005 I enrolled onto a three years degree course at London’s renowned Institute for Optimum Nutrition and immersed myself in studying all aspects of human health and disease in relation to food and nutrition. I graduated in 2008. Well over a decade later, I’m still grateful for the opportunity I had to work at the weight loss clinic. It’s led to a career I love and I’m so passionate about the work I do. There is nothing more fulfilling for me than helping our clients lose weight and seeing the incredibly positive impacts it has on their lives. From gaining confidence and making peace with their bodies, to seeing considerable improvements in health conditions and energy levels. The power of good nutrition, when tailored to individual needs, never ceases to amaze me.