Which is the Best Exercise for Weight Loss?

Specialising in weight loss, I often get asked by clients if there’s a particular exercise that will really boost the speed at which they lose weight while following their nutrition plan. 
The first thing to mention here is that I am not a qualified personal trainer. Despite having a good understanding of how to exercise properly, I don’t give my clients work out plans. I’m a believer that everyone should stick to their own specialty, so I have a couple of great personal trainers who I refer to. However, I have worked with hundreds of clients to help them lose weight and I’m always interested to know whether they are exercising and how it’s impacting their weight loss progress.
So is there a best exercise for weight loss?
While there are certain exercises that will boost your fat loss more significantly than others, in my experience the best exercise is the one that’s right for you. What do you enjoy? What feels good? What are you most likely to stick to long term? Sure, you can go all out, do multiple HIIT classes per week and see fast results, but is that sustainable?
There are so many ways to exercise, even if you’re not keen on the gym. Personally, I like variety so as well as working out at the gym and with my trainer I play tennis, do spin classes and box. I also run around the park with my dog Lily a couple of times a week and have a set of dumbbells at home.
If you struggle to motivate yourself to exercise, consider getting a trainer, book a class or find a friend to exercise with. Accountability can make a real difference when it comes to staying committed and consistency is the key. Find something(s) you enjoy, get into a routine and you’ll soon start to see results.