Sugar Free Mojito Recipe

The classic Mojito is a favourite summer cocktail for many of us. Usually, cocktails are loaded with hidden sugar but this Mojito gives a healthy (sugar free) twist to an old classic.
This recipe swaps traditional sugar for xylitol – a natural sweetener with a very low glycemic index (seven, compared with 100 for pure glucose). Not only will you avoid consuming excess sugar, there are some health benefits of this cocktail too. Mint is rich in antioxidants and has long been used to help aid upset stomachs and indigestion. Lime is a source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, essential for the formation of skin collagen and a healthy immune system.
Of course, moderation is key and alcohol in excessive quantities is no good for anyone, sugar or no sugar! And if you fancy an alcohol free drink, simply leave out the rum.


    • 2 teaspoons xylitol
    • 8 mint leaves
    • Sparkling mineral water or soda water
    • 1 lime, halved
    • 2 shots light rum
    • Mint sprig for garnish



    1. Place the xylitol, juice from half the lime and rum into a highball glass.
    2. Take the other half of the lime and slice into wedges, add this to the glass along with the mint leaves. Muddle well to release the flavours.
    3. Fill the glass to the top with crushed ice (if you can’t get hold of crushed ice, simply place ice cubes in a sandwich bag and bash them with a rolling pin).
    4. Fill the glass with soda water. Stir well.
    5. Find some sunshine and enjoy.

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