3 Tasty Ways to Eat Pumpkin

Carving pumpkins this Halloween? Don’t let the flesh go to waste. There are plenty of ways to eat pumpkin and make the most of their nutrient dense flesh.
Pumpkin is low carb and nutrient rich, providing good levels of fibre, zinc and beta carotene. They’re also extremely versatile. Here are three ways to eat pumpkin…


Soups are a great option at this time of the year as the weather starts to get cooler. Make a big pot of vegetable soup over the weekend and take it to work for weekday lunches alongside some protein. This delicious Thai Pumpkin Soup is a great option – use coconut oil instead of sunflower oil and skip the sugar, or swap it for xylitol.


Roasting is one of the simplest way to eat pumpkin. Simply chop it into chunks, drizzle it with some olive oil, season with cracked black peppers and sea salt and roast in the oven at 200c for around 30 minutes, or until the chunks are tender. Roasted pumpkin goes really well alongside any kind of baked fish fillets and some wilted leafy greens. The leftovers can also be eaten cold in a salad.


It might seem strange, but when you think about it pumpkin isn’t all that different to carrot which we readily welcome into the land of cakes.  This low sugar vegan pumpkin cake is a delicious example. The internet is a great source of recipe inspiration and there are many ideas for healthy pumpkin muffins and cookies.
Enjoy pumpkin carving (and eating!) and have a Happy Halloween.